Laying Up Ceremony 05

In the finest traditions of Naval Eight / 208 Squadron, what else was there to do but repair to the bar or, in this case, the sumptuously historic surroundings of the Royal Air Force Club in Piccadilly – the traditional venue for the Association’s annual reunions. What better place to say farewell to our glorious Squadron, and then to meet again every year in its lasting memory.

Click on this link to read the Disbandment Lunch Grace:

After pre-drinks in the Churchill Bar, Association members and now, sadly ex-Squadron members, assembled in the Ballroom. After a welcome from Wing Commander Kidd (whom we might now call the ‘ultimate’ OC 208) and grace, everyone sat down to a delicious 3-course lunch, expertly prepared and served by the Club’s catering staff:

Duck Liver Parfait

Served with tomato and onion chutney and whole meal toast

Supreme of Chicken filled with Mushroom Mousse

Served with cream Port sauce, saute potatoes and baton of vegetables with beans

Crème Caramel

Served with seasonal fruits and fresh cream

Coffee and Petits Fours

Wing Commander Kidd welcomed everyone to the 208 Squadron Disbandment Lunch. Following the meal, there were 3 speeches to conclude the day’s events. Wing Commander Kidd spoke first:

Firstly, he thanked the RAF Club for once again hosting the Squadron and the Association in such an outstanding manner. The food was superb, as were the staff. Once again, he thanked everyone for coming along to be part of the 208 Squadron Disbandment. It was great to see so much support for the Squadron, even on its last day.

The events of the day marked the end of 99 and a half years of almost unbroken service from the Squadron’s conception at Le Vert Galant to Egypt, Turkey, Palestine, Kenya, Lossiemouth and lastly RAF Valley to name but a few locations that it had operated from. He hoped that the Squadron’s forebears would

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