Buccaneer Op GRANBY (1)

A short story about Bill Cope:

As a young pilot on 234 Sqn the previous Webmaster was ‘volunteered’ to fly the C-in-C Strike Command, Sir Andrew Humphrey, around in a Hunter T7 - on landing at Stornaway to visit a Buccaneer detachment from Honington - the C-in-C was ushered into the Ops Tent with the assembled crews and the then Station Commander of Honington. The C-in-C was aware that the Station Commander was due to be promoted and posted to HQSTC and when he was introduced to Bill the Sqn Cdr mentioned that Bill was due to posted to HQSTC as well.

The C-in-C turned to the Stn Cdr and said that he should ensure that Bill was on his staff.

“The Bear” said: ‘Sir I cannot work with idiots’.

Bill’s instant response was: “No Sir neither can I.”

The CinC thought the response hugely funny and was still chuckling about it all the way back to Benson at the conclusion of the visit.


 more widely known as part of DESERT STORM

Never in the field of  our association’s recent presentations, has a  speaker had so many people in his audience who already know what he is going to say! Nevertheless I must thank Kim Smith, who was my/our Exec in the Gulf, for giving me valuable, and very ‘tactful’ advice in the interests of truth and diplomacy, in preparing this 21 years old ‘short talk’.


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Buccaneer Chapter Op GRANBY

Bill Cope

Commanding Officer 1989 - 92

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