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Galleries 1916-1939 Spit / Hurr Meteor Hunter Buccaneer Hawk Pyramids Art Video Biblio
1916 - 1939 Hawk (1)

Spit / Hurr / Lys Gallery 2

Click on the picture Links below to access photograph galleries from the Spitfire / Hurricane / Lysander Chapter

Spit / Hurr / Lys Gallery Page 1  2

Spit / Hurr (1)

Palestine 1947 - 1948

Images from AC2 D A Sketchley’s service with
208 Squadron
in Palestine
1947 - 1948

Spit / Hurr 1947 - 1948

Images from Roy Bowie’s Annual Reunion Dinner Presentation

John Pascoe-Watson 1948 - 50

Images from John Pascoe-Watson’s Autobiography ‘Laughter-Silvered Wings’
Spitfire 1948-50

Spit / Hurr 1949 - 1951

Images from ‘Twinkle’ Storey’s Annual Reunion Dinner Presentation
Spitfire 1949-51

Ted Thompson

Images from Ted Thompson’s service
with 208 Squadron in Italy and Palestine
1945 - 1946